This is something big for me - I am very excited for the 2019 season!  I have not been THIS excited for a year in my entire time of being a triathlete, including the year I trained for my first IM in 2012. 

This year is very special for me because of so much change. 

For the first time in my triathlon life I am without a local triathlon club.  That feels so weird to me but I feel that it will free up my interests to focus on my outreach initiative.  I am continuing to be a Collective Beat member in 2019 and now officially am a Coeur Ambassador *squeeeeeeee*   Words cannot describe the joy in my heart. 

Through my Ambassadorship with Coeur,  I strive to empower women to take a chance on themselves and go for their goals!  

I have loved Coeur products and the company for years, and I am super blessed and beyond words of gratitude that I made the team this year. #teamtiger

This year I am focusing on slow transformation, making small changes that add up to big results.  
Monday I started my IMTX official training.  This will be my first time training for an event of this magnitude through the winter.  I trained for the swim and run portions of the IM70.3 Gulf Coast event this past year and this is going to up my training and consistency game to a whole new level.
After IMTX, I am taking a break from tri-specifics and having fun with my fitness, i.e. paddle boarding, riding for fun, keeping up a base level of running,  staying both motivated and uninjured <--- that is key.  In August time frame I pivot back to IM Specific training for IMFL. 
Right now I am working on getting my body comp in shape again and am trying a different approach that is less about calorie counting and is more about food quality. While I am not specifically counting calories I am not ignoring food quantity - what did me in after IMFL training in 2012 was that my hunger went crazy and as I stopped working out in such large volumes after the race, I gained weight quickly and could not understand how this was happening.  
My focus this year for bodycomp is:
  1. Better quality of food in balance of nutrients
  2. Timed appropriately for my needs
  3. Managing my hunger

So far so good!  I am making CHOICES every day and not REACTIONS.  I plan to be at 6 out of 7 days green in my training log every single week to pave the road ahead.  6-7 days, green 5 days YELLOW, 4 days or less RED.  I never want to see RED again after the last 3 weeks of the plague. I am so over being sick and I pray that I got it out of my system now. 
To keep track of my progress I made this graphic to fill in - 20 areas for 20 weeks: 1-18 are the pie slices, taper week 19 is the center star and race week 20 is the M-dot over Woodlands.  #nerdalert

OK Y'all - let's get to painting the state GREEN!


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