THE GOALS: 2016 edition
I am in a Facebook group that is about getting ahead of our 2016 New Year Resolutions. I am in the place now where I am looking ahead to the new year and seeing what I want to put my energy into. So here are some of the goals I am putting my energy into achieving, as well as how I want to help others achieve their goals too! THE GOALS: 2016 edition GYM RAT I have such a weak upper body, but some strong legs. I can muscle through a lot but this year I need to be real about gym goals because I need to balance out this body! A bonus to strength work is body composition change and more muscle = more ability to burn baby burn those calories. GOALS: Strength at least 2 times per week - core included - and workout at the gym on average 3 times per week over the course of the year. RUN A RUN A DO RUN RUN, RUN A DO RUN Since I am not planning on a solo long distance event this year, but rather relays events with my husband and some shorte...